Wine of the Beloved

O Beloved! 
So far have I looked for You, 
Across mountains and valleys, 
In lands far and near, 
Yet using my eyes,
 I have failed to find you. 

 You hide, 
Like children do in games, 
Running through the primordial woods 
Of my mind 
While the beating of my heart,
 Pushes you further, deeper into the abyss.

 I opened my heart, 
There You were Dressed in gold. 
You offered me wine, 
Which I drank until I was intoxicated with Love, 
A love no religion can teach, 
No money can buy. 

 When I awoke from the drunken stupor of Love, 
The hangover made me long for more,
 As once again 
You went into hiding. 

O beloved! 
Bestow your light upon me 
Show yourself to me 
So once again I can become drunk
 With wine of the Beloved.


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