
Showing posts from 2022

The Bridge between Hearts

The bridge between two hearts is never straight, While some lovers waiver and stumble on this path, Others are drawn to each other like moths to a flame.  Whether it was written in the book of Life,  or sheer luck that brought our paths together, I give thanks to have met you when I did,  Without you, time feel like an eternity, When I am in your presence, time flies by,  How I wish I could slow time when I'm with you,  and make it flow faster when I am not. Your eyes put my soul into an endless trance, Your smile gives me reason to not stop dancing, Your words make me learn about myself, Your charm makes me feel like a king. Be the flame this humble lantern needs to shine, Provide that fuel that draws the moths and makes them dance,  so that their hearts can burn together in the heat of the flames, Melding flesh and binding souls together. 


As the black and white pawns dance on the board to the beat of the dice,  So do the players gaze,  shifting from pawn to pawn, imagining the infinite moves each can make,  to undo their opponent's strategy.  With every drunken spin of the dice, the pawns travel ever closer to their home, transcending the board on which they dance.  Can you see the Lover's path in this tavern game? We are but pawns in this game,  Like intoxicated lovers dancing across the world towards the Beloved, with the wine of the Saqi guiding our steps, an infinite universes can decide our fate.  In the eyes of the pawn,  there are no winners and losers,  we all end up in union with the Beloved, when one game is up,  yet another game begins!