
Showing posts from December, 2010


They asked “Where has Chivalry gone, Where did the knight with shining armour go? And the gentleman who treats his date with the utmost respect, With no expectations in return?” They have all entered the tavern of Unity, Where they have hidden themselves from a world filled with abuse, A world filled with soldiers of hate, and glasses filled with rufalin. These chivalrous men stand no chance in a world of such hatred and disrespect That in hiding, they bask in their drunken stupor of their world Those they cared for most have tossed them to the side, Forgotten for their honorable duties, Only the wine of the tavern has been able to fill their chivalrous hearts. At old age, When the fountain of youth has poured its last drop of wine, These men have learned the secrets of the world, And they go back to the homes from whence they had come. There as dervishes, they still drink that potent wine of the tavern, And share their knowledge to the poor and homeless. However t...