
Visions of you

My sweetest Lotus, My dreams are filled of visions of you and I, Our souls intertwined and bound by an invisible thread, Like two moths dancing near a flickering flame, Intoxicated by the presence of each other and God, And the heat and passion of the glow on our wings. These dreams are no comparison to the flood of emotions you bring me, Like the lotus on the swamp,  You cleanse the impurities of my soul and brings beauty to the world. Oh Bestower of Light, Whatever you wrote of love before, Does not do justice to the truth this simple poet understands, How can I claim to speak of love, It is not to be spoken of,  But to be felt down to your core, That constant reminder of God in our connections.

The Lotus and Dragonfly

She is a lovely blooming Lotus, And I am but a dragonfly. I land on her soft open petals, And drink the sweet nectar from her heart, Leaving me drunk from the sweetness she brings to the world. I rub my wings on her silky petals, Thanking her for the love she provided me, Tell her that her flower is the only one who has sustained my life, And prevented me from drowning in the murky waters on which she is floating. I ready my wings to fly away, She closes her petals as I hover over her, I leave a teardrop onto her closed leaves, To remind her again of her beauty. I fly away to distant lands, Where no such Lotus flowers bloom. If I had no wings, I’d stay within her purple flower forever, But alas, My wings take me away from where my heart belongs.

The Glory of Life

Life's own glorious gleam, A radiant light, a sunlit summer's dream.  Her eyes, twin pools where starlight softly glows, Her smile, a rose that only she knows. Her laughter is a melody that opens hearts,  Her words are like honey so sweet.  Her spirit burns, a fire bright and bold,  A story yet untold, a tale to unfold. With every glance, my heart begins to soar,  Bound to her, and wanting more. My doe-eyed beauty, The glory in her name reflected in her eyes.


The sweetness of candy gives life to those who were blessed with her presence, Her inquisitive eyes peer deep into your soul,  With a warmness that melts the snowcapped mountains like the Spring. Her energy gives life to flowers,  a reason to bloom and share their colours and beauty with all existence. Her racing mind, that never stops to rest,  Like a sugar cube that melts in tea, She gives up her existence to make life sweeter for those around her. Such candy is intoxicating,  One bite of her lips will leave you wanting more, When the Lover tastes the all the flavours of the Beloved, In The Tavern of Unity,  where Lover and Beloved become one, her taste puts the Lover under her influence,  He loses himself and dances in remembrance of the nourishment of his soul with hers. Be careful to savour this candy, For there is none like it in the world, And just as the street lamp bestows it's light on the darkest alleys, She bestows her nectar on the Soul.

The Bridge between Hearts

The bridge between two hearts is never straight, While some lovers waiver and stumble on this path, Others are drawn to each other like moths to a flame.  Whether it was written in the book of Life,  or sheer luck that brought our paths together, I give thanks to have met you when I did,  Without you, time feel like an eternity, When I am in your presence, time flies by,  How I wish I could slow time when I'm with you,  and make it flow faster when I am not. Your eyes put my soul into an endless trance, Your smile gives me reason to not stop dancing, Your words make me learn about myself, Your charm makes me feel like a king. Be the flame this humble lantern needs to shine, Provide that fuel that draws the moths and makes them dance,  so that their hearts can burn together in the heat of the flames, Melding flesh and binding souls together. 


As the black and white pawns dance on the board to the beat of the dice,  So do the players gaze,  shifting from pawn to pawn, imagining the infinite moves each can make,  to undo their opponent's strategy.  With every drunken spin of the dice, the pawns travel ever closer to their home, transcending the board on which they dance.  Can you see the Lover's path in this tavern game? We are but pawns in this game,  Like intoxicated lovers dancing across the world towards the Beloved, with the wine of the Saqi guiding our steps, an infinite universes can decide our fate.  In the eyes of the pawn,  there are no winners and losers,  we all end up in union with the Beloved, when one game is up,  yet another game begins!

The Girl named Mandala

Her complexity was drawn on the page for all to see, Like lines darted across from one side to another, Her lovers moved in and out of her life and where one's story ended, another lover's began. The web of lovers she had created held her suspended, However she was tangled and lost in her own doing. There is a pattern in her creation. She had a hidden order within the turmoil, A symmetry for her chaos, She kept the secrets of her universe hidden. For the one who saw her inner meaning, she brought him the balance that she was always seeking. He loved the girl named Mandala, Her lines were many, like the scars that revealed her bruised heart. He vowed to her that he would always love her, A consistency that she so much desired. His line was at her centre, and it curved back upon itself into a circle, and continued into infinity. His circle waded amongst all those dying lines, Those lines never crossed his path at her core, They could not break the union